4 March 2020

Google’s Gupta and ONC’s Posnack to headline Melbourne Wild Health!


Wild Health in Melbourne now moved to November 2, at Collins Square, will feature headline appearances from the head of Google Healthcare Cloud Global, Aashima Gupta, the Deputy National Co-ordinator of the Office of the National Co-ordinator for Health Information Technology in the US, Steve Posnack, Grahame Grieve, the founder of FHIR, Bettina McMahon, the acting CEO of the ADHA, Emma Hossack the CEO of the MSIA, Dr Harry Nespolon, the President of the RACGP, and a host of other senior figures and influencers in Australia’s digital health and interoperability scene. A full list of the current speaker and panelist line up is below and online.

CLICK HERE FOR EARLY BIRD TICKETS And use the code WH15 to get a 15% discount of any ticket combination = provider ticket $420 + GST.

Topics will be typically highly current and at times controversial, and dealt with by either short TEDx style presenations from key industry figures, and rapid fire panels, moderated by Medical Republic publisher Jeremy Knibbs, principal of Semantic Consulting Tim Blake, and pulisher of podcast series Talking Health Tech, Peter Birch. Audience Q&A and participation will be a key part of our sessions so you get the chance to ask our industry leaders the difficult questions

Session Topics

Where and how are the major consumer digital platforms and their customers going to intersect with the professional healthcare sector?

What does a digital health tipping point look like for Australia, and when and how might it arrive?

Less hospitals? When, how, and why?

Has patient centric been hijacked for politics

The rise of open APIs, FHIR and other open source ecosystems architecture versus the legacy of server bound ecosystems, and the trouble with bridging the two

The bridge to the new world? FHIR

Two  tribes: the primary tertiary divide in the context of our chronic care organisational imperativ

The opportunities now for the ADHA, especially in the current replatforming consultation of the My Health Record,

Global Interoperability ideas in context

What can the UK, the US and Australia learn from each other on their so far separate,interoperability journey’s

Patient data, population health, general and allied health practice, consent, ethics and practicality

Healthcare Cloud Bootcamp Networking Lunch for IT leaders

Current speakers/Panelists on stage

Aashima Gupta (webcast) – Head of Google Healthcare Cloud (US) : the role of the big platforms in transforming healthcare from the consumer upwards (via Webcast from the US). We’re not in Kansas anymore…

Steve Posnack (webcast) – Deputy National Co-ordinator, Office of the National Co-ordinator for Health Information Technology, US: the US interoperability journey vs Australia (via Webcast from the US)

Grahame Grieve – founder FHIR, global interoperability leader: The framework for a tipping point on digital health, and FHIR

Simon Eccles (TBC) – Chief Technology Officer, NHS and NHSX, England: the UK interoperability Journely Vs Australia

Bettina McMahon – Acting CEO of the Australian Digital Health Agency: A tipping point for Australian Digital health?: the opportunities of FHIR, replatforming  the My Health Record, and a roadmap for interoperability

Tony Abbenante – Assistant Director, Digital Health, Department of Health and Human Services , Vitoria

Dr Karen Price – founding member,  GPs Down Under, RACGP Victoria Board member

Dr Harry Nespolon – President, the RACGP

Chris Norton  – Head of Strategy Telstra Health: tertiary vs primary interoperability

Toby Hall – CEO St Vincents Health: fewer hospitals, when and how?

Patricia Leibke – Director, Digital Health, Healthscope Northern Beaches Hospital, Sydney

Claire Sullivan – Chief Digital Health Officer at Metro North Hospital and Health Service,

Emma Hossack – CEO, The Medical Software Industry Asssociation of Australia

Dr Steve Hambleton (TBC)  – Deputy Chairman MBS Review Committee

James Scollay – CEO Genie Solutions

Rod Sprenger – Director, Digital Hospital Experts

Matiu Bush – Health Transformational Lab

Don’t Miss out – Early Bird Tickets still on sale

Don’t miss out on this unique digital health event which aims to bring together all sides of digital health into the one room to explain, debate and sell the big ideas.

Attendees include anyone from PHNs, LHDs, Tertiary IT and Strategy, Government health agencies , state and federal, digital health vendors, clinicians, practice managers, Health CTOs, CEOs and CIOs, providers and payers. The debates span the spectrum of the issues around digital health an interoperability across the Australian Healthcare system.

CLICK HERE FOR EARLY BIRD TICKETS And use the code WH15 to get a 15% discount of any ticket combination.

More information on the program : jeremy@medicalerpublic.com.au

Sponsorship information :  john@wildhealth.com.au