Wild Health 2024

Connected care: from here to modernity

Tuesday October 22, Collins Square Events Centre, Melbourne

At no time in Australian digital healthcare history has there been a more co-ordinated attempt  from government, healthcare providers and the tech sector to bring about substantive change to the nature of digital connectivity in the country.

This year’s Wild Health Summit will feature the major players from each of government, healthcare providers and the technology sector discussing the major impending changes in play including the challenges we are facing in the light of some very tight timetables from government.

No other event puts the key people in the one room, including major overseas experts with experience in what we are about to attempt, and asks them the questions that will help you better navigate the next few disruptive years.



Exclusive Pre-Event Breakfast: Can an HIE Deliver Connected Care for Australia? (Invitation only)

7:15am – 8:15am

Exclusive breakfast featuring a discussion with Peter O’Halloran (ADHA), Bettina McMahon (Healthdirect), Associate Professor Amith Shetty (ehealth NSW) and Paul Wilder (Commonwell). Moderated by Jeremy Knibbs.


8:30am – 9:00am

Dr John Halamka, president of the Mayo Clinic Platform, and Steven Posnack – Deputy National Coordinator, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) US – Keynote + Q&A

9:00am – 9:40am

The role of policy in enabling technology in healthcare particularly web based interoperability and AI.

What Australia can learn from the experience of significantly enabling healthcare interoperability via policy in the US?

  • What’s gone right and wrong in the US experience which is relevant to Australia?
  • What’s the role of platforms and cloud in healthcare delivery going forward?
  • Might AI to change how Australia intends to implement its plans to deliver seamless meaningful data sharing across its system
  • What practically can we use AI for in healthcare now

Jeremy Knibbs in conversation with four experts: how far and how soon can policy on technology take Australia in healthcare system transformation?

9:40am – 10:10am

  • Daniel McCabe, First Assistant Secretary Medicare Benefits and Digital Health at Australian Department of Health
  • Graham Grieve – Principal Health Intersection, founder FHIR
  • Professor Wendy Chapman, Associate Dean of Digital Health and Informatics, University of Melbourne
  • Angela Ryan, Lead Healthcare Executive JAPAC, Oracle Health

Breaking down some of the key points from the previous session:

  • What were the key issues for the US in establishing technology standards as the basis for sharing
  • Where is Australia in the journey that the US has already taken
  • Where does Sparked fit into the picture, in particular for vendors
  • What is the likely timetable now for Australia
  • What benchmarks is the government proposing so we can measure progress properly and plan

Case Study TEDx 1: Intersystems

10:10am – 10:20am

A case study from one of our sponsors illustrating new digital health applications in the system.

How can the states and hospitals contribute to a new connected care paradigm?

10:20am – 10:50am

What do the people who run hospitals think about an expedited program to connect hospitals better to the rest of the system?

How will states align into federal mandates on connected care technologies?

What changes to the funding paradigm might be needed to align state and federal goals?

Connecting hospitals properly with primary care

  • Dr Suzie Miller, Director of Strategy, Quality, and Technology/Clinical Deputy Director, Victorian Virtual ED
  • Associate Professor Amith Shetty, A/CEO, eHealth NSW
  • Bettina McMahon, CEO, Healthdirect
  • Simon Cleverley, Assistant Secretary at Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Case Study TEDx 2: Alcidion

10:50am – 11:00am

A case study from one of our sponsors illustrating new digital health applications in the system.

Morning Tea

11:00am – 11:20am

Latest on sharing by default, e-requesting, Sparked, interoperability standards legislation, a national HIE and other key government initiatives, as it effects both vendors and healthcare providers

11:20am – 11:55pm

  • An up to date look at the major government initiatives on interoperability from the horses mouths
  • Sparked for dummies – why is this program going into so much detail on defining data models?
  • Key benchmarks and timeframes
  • Vendor and provider input and feedback


  • Simon Cleverley, Assistant Secretary at Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Associate Professor Alam Yoosuff, Vice President, RDA NSW
  • Grahame Grieve, Principal at Health Intersections Pty Ltd, Founder FHIR

Moderated by Jeremy Knibbs, Publisher of The Medical Republic and Health Services Daily.

Case Study TEDx 3: My Emergency Doctor/Darling Downs

11:55am – 12:05pm

A case study from one of our sponsors illustrating new digital health applications in the system.

Can technology enable connected care to deliver one health system? 

12:05pm – 12:35pm

Steps in aligning silos of connected care into a whole of system journey.

  • Hospital in the home
  • Virtual EDs
  • Role of the single digital front door
  • Rural telehealth
  • Connecting primary care to community and hospitals for continuity
  • Doing the funding math on connected care
  • Connected care in policy


  • Catherine de Fontenay, Commissioner at Australian Government Productivity Commission
  • Kate Quirke, Group Managing Director/CEO, Alcidion
  • Dr Suzie Miller, Director of Strategy, Quality, and Technology at Victorian VED
  • Ryan Mavin, Branch Manager Connected Care, Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Associate Professor Amith Shetty, A/CEO, eHealth NSW

Case Study TEDx 4: Telstra Health

12:35pm – 12:45pm

A case study from one of our sponsors illustrating new digital health applications in the system.

AI Now

12:45pm – 1:15pm

What AI can be applied to healthcare immediately and safely and where, to increase productivity, efficiency and address workforce issues? Some working examples – radiology, consulting notes, other.

What are the practical limits of generative AI apps in healthcare in Australia?

What constitutes “AI later”? What is the status of AI data models for use major EMRs and as a basis for developing new diagnostic models of care?

Guardrails and frameworks for more complex AI.


  • Dr Todd Miller, Medical Director, Healthdirect
  • Dr Michael Wright, CMO, Avant Mutual
  • Andrew Aho, Regional Director of Data Platforms, Intersystems
  • Danielle Bancroft, Chief Product and Technology Office, Best Practice Software
  • Other speakers TBC


1:15pm – 2:15pm

How do we avoid the scars of HIE mistakes?

2:15pm – 2:50pm

Paul Wilder, an executive director of Commonwell, moderating a panel on Health Information Exchanges.


  • Daniel McCabe, First Assistant Secretary Medicare Benefits and Digital Health at Australian Department of Health
  • Ryan Mavin, Branch Manager of Connected Care, ADHA
  • Kerry Stratton, Global Director, Healthcare Solutions, Intersystems

Moderated by Paul Wilder.

  • How the US model of seamless data exchange works and how that relates to Australia’s current plans for a HIE
  • The pros and cons of a hub and spoke model
  • Innovation in data web based data sharing from a US perspective
  • Lessons for “sharing by default”

Procurement in an age of significant technology disruption and transition

2:50pm – 3:25pm

How we deal with getting new FHIR standards into procurement.

How we deal with large recent procurements (e.g. SPDR) that have already happened without doing that…

How do we align State and Federal procurement strategies to drive a connected care strategy ?

  • Standards in procurement across the states
  • How does procurement contemplate impending new federal regulation and legislation for web based interoperability?
  • Aligning federal and state intentions
  • What role for made in Australia vs the globe
  • Other.


  • Tim Blake, MD, Semantic Consulting
  • Dr John Lambert, CCIO, NT Health
  • Emma Hossack, CEO, Medical Software Industry Association
  • Angela Ryan, Lead Healthcare Executive JAPAC, Oracle Health

Case Study TEDx 5: Nous (TBC)

3:25pm – 3:35pm

A case study from one of our sponsors illustrating new digital health applications in the system.

Presented by Dr Paul Eleftheriou, Principal, Nous Group

Afternoon Tea

3:35pm – 4:05pm

How far and how fast can technology help in solving our ongoing workforce crisis?

4:05pm – 4:35pm

  • Defining the workforce issue within a technology framework
  • Key technologies of promise
  • Existing technologies that are working
  • Limitations


  • Bettina McMahon, CEO, Healthdirect
  • Dr Emily Kirkpatrick, Managing Director, EKology Health
  • Other speakers TBC

Ask the Experts: Q&A with key speakers from the day

4:35pm – 5:00pm

This is your chance to ask your burning questions that have arisen during the day.


  • Dr Emily Kirkpatrick, Managing Director, EKology Health
  • Daniel McCabe, First Assistant Secretary Medicare Benefits and Digital Health at Australian Department of Health
  • Associate Professor Amith Shetty, A/CEO, eHealth NSW
  • Catherine de Fontenay, Commissioner at Australian Government Productivity Commission
  • Other speakers TBC

Moderated by Jeremy Knibbs.



Key points from the day summing up.

Health Services Daily first industry networking event

5:00pm – 7:00pm

Catherine de Fontenay

Catherine de Fontenay

Commissioner at Australian Government Productivity Commission

Kerry Stratton

Kerry Stratton

Global Director, Healthcare Solutions, InterSystems

Dr Todd Miller

Dr Todd Miller

Medical Director, Healthdirect Australia

Ryan Mavin

Ryan Mavin

Branch Manager Connected Care at Australian Digital Health Agency

Professor Wendy Chapman

Professor Wendy Chapman

Associate Dean of Digital Health and Informatics, University of Melbourne

Associate Professor Alam Yoosuff

Associate Professor Alam Yoosuff

Vice President, RDA NSW

Simon Cleverley

Simon Cleverley

Assistant Secretary of the Digital Health Branch at DoHAC

Andrew Aho

Andrew Aho

Regional Director, Data Platforms for InterSystems

Tim Blake

Tim Blake

Managing Director, Semantic Consulting

Dr John Halamka

Dr John Halamka

President, Mayo Clinic Platform

Dr Emily Kirkpatrick

Dr Emily Kirkpatrick

Managing Director at EKology Health

Daniel McCabe

Daniel McCabe

First Assistant Secretary - Medicare Benefits and Digital Health, Department of Health and Aged Care

Bettina McMahon

Bettina McMahon

CEO, Healthdirect Australia

Dr Suzanne Miller

Dr Suzanne Miller

Director of Strategy, Quality, and Technology / Clinical Deputy Director, Victorian Virtual Emergency Department

Steven Posnack

Steven Posnack

Deputy National Coordinator, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, The United States

Kate Quirke

Kate Quirke

Group Managing Director/CEO, Alcidion.

Grahame Grieve

Grahame Grieve

Principal Health Intersections, founder FHIR

Paul Wilder

Paul Wilder

Executive Director, CommonWell Health Alliance, USA

Emma Hossack

Emma Hossack

CEO, Medical Software Industry Assoc

Angela Ryan

Angela Ryan

Lead Healthcare Executive JAPAC, Oracle Health

Dr John Lambert

Dr John Lambert

CCIO at NT Health

Program, Content and Panelist Enquiries
Talia Meyerowitz-Katz: talia@medicalrepublic.com.au


Collins Square Events Centre

Melbourne, Australia, in early morning light. Yarra River, towards Flinders Street Station.


727 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3008

Getting Here

For more parking and transport information, see the venue’s website.


Registration Enquiries
Talia Meyerowitz-Katz: talia@medicalrepublic.com.au

Program, Content and Panelist Enquiries
Talia Meyerowitz-Katz: talia@medicalrepublic.com.au

Partnership Opportunity Enquiries
Michelle O’Brien: michelle@wildhealth.net.au