21 February 2024
Dr Darran Foo

Darran is a GP by trade but in the true spirit of generalism, he wears many hats outside his clinical role as a medical director, advisor, researcher and educator. He is passionate about digital health within primary care and novel ways of service delivery. He is currently the Medical Director at Healthdirect Australia leading the clinical governance of its GP Helpline. He also holds various clinical advisory roles with digital health startups while continuing to practice clinically.
Darran is also pursuing a PhD at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI), where he is researching emerging models of primary health care service delivery. His current research focus is on virtual services and how direct-to-consumer telehealth services impact and interact with primary care systems.
As an educator, Darran supervises students within Macquarie University’s MD program on their GP placements, and is a GP Supervisor with the RACGP