18 July 2017
Adjunct Professor Karen Price

Adjunct Professor Karen Price was awarded the 2016 RACGP FMCER grant to undertake her PhD with the Department of General Practice at Monash University. She is using GP data to inform policy and practice identifying the role of peer-connection in general practice. This explores GP’s well-being, goal-directed informal learning, quality, and safety.
Karen’s research builds on her lifetime expertise as a working GP.
She is the co-developer and facilitator of GPs Down Under, a 4500+ member community of Australian and New Zealand GPs. She has chaired committees and developed mentor programs for both the AMA and the RACGP.
Karen has presented nationally and internationally; plenary lectures; workshops on women’s medical leadership; social media; resilience, and informal learning.
She is published on women’s medical leadership and received a 2011 Monash University award for medical student teaching. Karen continues to develop evidence-based medicine, leadership, advocacy, and peer support, in both research and her ongoing clinical General Practice.