21 February 2024
Jasmine Davis

Jasmine Davis is a recent graduate of the Doctor of Medicine and Master of Public Health at the University of Melbourne.
Born and raised in regional Victoria, Jasmine is a strong advocate for rural health equity and raising awareness of the declining numbers of medical students entering general practice. Jasmine led the Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) in 2022 as the President, representing 18,000 medical students and 500+ student volunteers. She has published research on the impact of conscientious objection in healthcare to women’s access to abortion and has worked at ANU as a research assistant for a team working on increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients’ access to primary healthcare.
Jasmine was recognised for her rural health advocacy work in 2023 when she was awarded the Rural and Remote Health Advocate of the Year award at the inaugural National Rural and Remote Health Awards in Canberra. She is currently completing her medical internship at Bundaberg Hospital as part of the Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway.