8 September 2022
TODAY: reaching out and reaching in to connect our health system

In the first National Cabinet of our new government on June 17th, there was a strong commitment between the states, territories and the Commonwealth to work together to identify practical improvements to the health system.
There was a particular focus on the connections between GPs and hospitals, and practical ways to get aged care residents and NDIS participants out of hospital and into a more appropriate setting. But how will this work in reality?
The Australian Hospital and Healthcare Association and Wild Health invite you to join us for a free-to-attend webinar tackling this question. The discussion will focus on what is needed to digitally connect our fragmented health system and enable outcomes-focused, value-based health care. We have brought together some of Australia’s leading industry figures who bring their expert perspectives to the discussion.
Date: 21 September
Time: 12:30pm AEDT
Join Dr Paresh Dawda, director and principal Prestantia Health and Next Practice Canberra, Kylie Woolcock, CEO of the Australian Hospital and Healthcare Association, Tracey Johnson, CEO of Inala Primary Care and David Rowlands, author of the standards development model for the ADHA, for a conversation about interoperability and health reform to support new models of care.
The pandemic has jolted our health care system into a new era. Desperate times have called for desperate measures, with providers urgently pivoting entrenched models of healthcare. Traditional patient engagement rules have been turned on their heads and providers have scrambled to quickly implement technology that allows them to deliver care in new ways and settings to keep patients and clinicians safe.
Our hospitals have been the quickest to adjust, reaching out virtually into the community to deliver care in the home, introducing models of care like hospitals on wheels, point-of-care testing, digital front doors and devices to deliver care.
The majority of these patients also have their own regular GP where their longitudinal clinical history resides. With increased virtual patient mobility across the health system, it has highlighted the digital communication roadblocks that exist between our hospitals, primary care and aged and community care.