28 January 2020

Wild Health 2020 Melbourne – Early Bird Tickets HERE


Wild Health Summit  Super Early bird tickets rates end tomorrow night, so CLICK HERE NOW, and get your ticket at 20% of the final price. 

Wild Health is a one day , one stream high level catch up for anyone wanting to get a peak at and contribute to discussion on the most important but intractable issues unfolding in our digital health wolrd. We feature some of the  top thought leaders in digital health in the country,   like Grahame Grieve, the founder of FHIR, Emma Hossack, the CEO of the Medical Software Industry Association, and Vincent McCauley, the CMO at Telstra Health, so you can hear views from the top and seek to offer your own input.

Debate topics will include:

Can hospitals and LHDs adapt their value proposition  to a chronic care world and lead integration and interoperability top down?

If procurement is driving tertiary interoperability, what is driving primary and allied care interoperability or, what should be?

The cult of the clinician: good, bad or indifferent in how we build a better digital health future in Australia?

Other sessions:

Armchairs at ten paces: EMR vendor talks to the  the frontline hospital clinician

FHIR and open APIs vs the old transactional ecosystem

Into the patient wilderness of social media and chronic care

Patient centric’s ‘in practice’ digital crisis

What do PHNs do…really?  The dilemma of primary care data and PHNs

Navigating the integrated devices in hospitals forrest

And more….

Also we will be holding a half day parallel stream for healthcare CXOs, CTOs, CIOs, and other IT strategy decision making CXOs on the latest case studies in cloud implementation in healthcare in Australia and what we are all learning about cloud implementation in healthcare

Super Early Bird Tickets are available now and will save you 30% off both provider and vendor tickets, but only  until January 31.

If you’d like to exhibit, sponsor or conduct a roundtable with a selected demographic email or call John Todd on john@wildhealth.net.au or 0414 666 132.

If you have topic and debate ideas contact jeremy@medicalrepublic.com.au

We will be doing some good roundtables in association with the event, which is one of the few digital health meetings of susbtance in Melbourne next year.