7 December 2023
Adjunct Professor John Hall

John Hall is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Population Health. After completing his medical degree at UNSW, John worked as a volunteer doctor in South Korea and Pakistan which has resulted in a lifelong passion for Global Health. John completed a Master of Tropical Public Health at the University of Queensland before taking up the position of Principal Medical Officer, Community Health, in Vanuatu in the Pacific. He obtained his Public Health Medicine Fellowship and became Director of the Western NSW Public Health Unit in Dubbo on his return to Australia. John’s academic career commenced when he joined the School of Public Health, the University of Sydney in 2002 to help establish the MIPH. His PhD on TB policy in PNG was undertaken at the University of Sydney. From 2008-2010 John was Director of the Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub in the School of Public Health & Community Medicine, UNSW Sydney. From 2010 to 2017 he was convenor of the MPH Program, and from 2015-2017 Director of the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB), in the Faculty of Medicine & Public Health, Newcastle University. John Hall’s current work and research interests are in health security & protection, communicable disease control, Covid-19, tuberculosis, vaccine preventable diseases, antibiotic resistance, and the primary health care delivery of services in low and middle-income countries. Over this time, he has undertaken consultancies for DFAT, WHO, UNICEF, ADB and USAID in the Pacific (Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands), Asia (Pakistan, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam) and Africa (Kenya, Botswana).