Burning GP

GPs taking back control of their destiny. A new type of conference brought to you by The Medical Republic and Health Services Daily, and MC’d by comedian Tom Cashman.

June 14th and 15th 2024, Mantra on Salt Beach at Kingscliff, NSW

General practice and GPs are in crisis.  

The traditional community medicine ‘bricks and mortar’, team-based practice model is under siege and will likely not survive in its current form long into the future. 

Burning GP will bring together key leaders and influencers from general practice, government, the technology sector and related allied providers to examine the key issues at hand and map out an alternative and more positive trajectory for the sector and the profession. 

All while having some fun along the way. 




8:30am – 9:00am


9:00am – 9:15am

Acknowledgement of Country

Welcome and event outline by Convener

Opening address by Keynote Speaker

We’re Not In Kansas Anymore, Part 1:

9:15am – 9:35am

Beyond Abandoning Bulk Billing.

Abandoning bulk billing has set in motion irreversible changes to the GP funding paradigm. But it’s only the start. How might the government chime in moving forward? What are some achievable options for funding reform that will suit the government, the system, patients and GPs?

With Adjunct Professor Karen Price, immediate past President RACGP.

We’re Not In Kansas Anymore, Part 2:

9:35am – 10:10am

Framing the Most Wicked Problems Facing General Practice.

The systems and complexity that frame the problems affecting general practice today and the systemic challenges inherent in redesigning it.

Moderated panel of experts including representatives from the RACGP, DoHAC, AMA and the RDAA


  • Dr Nicole Higgins, President RACGP
  • Dr Danielle McMullen, Vice President AMA
  • Peta Rutherford, CEO RDAA
  • Daniel McCabe, First Assistant Secretary Medicare Benefits and Digital Health at Australian Department of Health

Moderated by Jeremy Knibbs, Publisher of The Medical Republic and Health Services Daily.

Swimming Out Of The Pink Swamp

10:10am – 10:30am

With Associate Professor Louise Stone, ANU.

  • Why there is a gender problem in GP funding, and what it means for the future of the profession.
  • Are some of the fundamental societal settings driving how GPs work immovable or not?

Telstra Health: Case Study TEDx Talk 1

With Dr Janice Tan, GP, Clinical Director, PACC & Ecosystem, at Telstra Health 

10:30am – 10:40am

Swimming Out Of An Actual Swamp

10:40am – 11:00am

With Dr Sue Velovski, Specialist General Surgeon at St Vincent’s, Lismore, and Monika Wheeler, Chief Executive at Healthy North Coast.

What the Lismore floods can teach us about the reality of patient centricity in the system during crisis, the federal versus state divide on GPs, and dealing better with the sort of crisis we are likely to see a lot more of as a result of climate change.

Morning Tea

11:00am – 11:30am

A Consult In The Life Of A GP 1: A Short Play by TMR

11:30am – 11:40am

Live sketch with real GPs role playing consultations; dealing with complex conditions and multiple comorbidities, clunky technology and MBS limitations.

Amelio Health: Case Study TEDx Talk 2

With Kathy Hubble, CEO at Amelio Health, and, Dr Ati Jhajj, Clinical Advisor at Amelio Health

11:40am – 11:50am

Tech that might help address payment flow costs and complexity in meeting payroll tax compliance.

How Much Upside Might Be In A Single Employer Model For GP Training?

11:50am – 12:10pm

Three experts in conversation with Dr Rob Grenfell, Chief Strategy and Regions Officer Grampians Health.

  • Peta Rutherford, CEO RDAA
  • Dr Hamish Meldrum, Founder Ochre
  • Associate Professor Alam Yoosuff, Vice President RDA NSW

Taxing Times: The Upside Of A Forced New Business Paradigm For Traditional Practices

12:10pm – 12:30pm

  • The basics of payroll tax and emerging federal law on deemed employees 
  • Decisions and strategies for owners moving forward 
  • The dilemma for corporates 
  • The opportunity for new entries to the market 

With Jeremy Knibbs, Publisher of The Medical Republic and Health Services Daily.

What Does “Sharing By Default” Mean For General Practice, And In What Timeframe?

12:30pm – 1:10pm

DoHAC is moving hard and fast to reinvent interoperability in Australia which means changes to how GPs are connected to the rest of the system, in particular hospitals and aged care are set to change radically. How might this impact the sector?


  • Dr Danielle McMullen, Vice President AMA
  • Dr Edwin Kruys, Co-chair Queensland General Practice Liaison Network
  • Daniel McCabe, First Assistant Secretary Medicare Benefits and Digital Health at Australian Department of Health
  • Dr Janice Tan, GP, Clinical Director, PACC & Ecosystem, Telstra Health

Moderated by Tim Blake, MD Semantic Consulting.


1:10pm – 2:10pm

A Consult In The Life Of A GP 2: A Short Play by TMR

2:10pm – 2:20pm

Live sketch with real GPs role playing consultations; dealing with complex conditions and multiple comorbidities, clunky technology and MBS limitations.

Cubiko: Case Study TEDx Talk 3

With Robert Dickson, Chief Operating Officer at Cubiko

2:20pm – 2:25pm

Working For A Different Business Model: Disruptors, Private Health, Platforms And More

2:25pm – 2:50pm

A flexible, creative and interesting work choice or something else? What might it be really like working for an emerging platform, online and other alternative health provider model?


  • Dr Max Mollenkopf, GP and owner at Whitebridge Medical Centre
  • Dr Roy Mariathas, Founder Reggie Health, Family Physician, RACGP Tech Committee 
  • Dr Matt Vickers, Clinical Director at Eucalyptus

Moderated by Jeremy Knibbs, Publisher of The Medical Republic and Health Services Daily

Everyone Hates GPs Unless It’s Their Own GP – Leveraging A Dynamic

2:50pm – 3:15pm

Patients are starting to have a major political impact in the bush and some in the cities post the call to “abandon bulk billing”.  Can GPs leverage the patient much better to persuade minds in Canberra about change?


  • Dr Danielle McMullen, Vice President AMA
  • Dr Max Mollenkopf, GP and owner at Whitebridge Medical Centre
  • Associate Professor Louise Stone, ANU
  • Harry Iles-Mann, Health Consumer Leader

Moderated by Adjunct Professor Karen Price, immediate past President RACGP.

Afternoon Tea

3:15pm – 3:45pm

Surgical Partners: Case Study TEDx Talk 4

With Marcus Wilson, Founder and CEO of Surgical Partners

3:45pm – 3:50pm

Will Payroll Tax Fundamentally Alter The Way Corporates Work And How GPs Work For Them?

3:50pm – 4:10pm


  • Dr Hamish Meldrum, Co-Founder & Director Ochre Health
  • Andrew Cohen, CEO ForHealth
  • David Dahm, Founder and CEO Health and Life

With Jeremy Knibbs, Publisher of The Medical Republic and Health Services Daily.

A Brothel Owner, A Buddhist And A GP Practice Owner Walk Into A Bar

4:10pm – 4:25pm

Why most small to medium GP practice owners would likely survive a state revenue office payroll tax audit, even if they haven’t got their organisational and process ducks in a row yet, and why no one gets to see all the payroll tax cases GP win against SROs.

With a tax law specialist Lukasz Wyszynski, Principal Solicitor at Hamilton Bailey Lawyers.

The Pub Test: The Value Equation For Lots More Data, Outcomes-Based Funding, And Dealing With Truly Complex Patients

4:25pm – 4:45pm

A discussion between four protagonists having a drink at “the pub’.

In the armchairs:

  • Adjunct Professor Karen Price, immediate past President RACGP
  • Simon Cotterell, Strategic Advisor; former First Assistant Secretary, Primary Care Division, DOHAC
  • Karen Booth, President APNA 
  • Simon Cleverley, Assistant Secretary at Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Gala Dinner

6:30pm – 10:30pm

Hosted by comedian Tom Cashman, the Gala Dinner will feature our Great Debate (below) and a live band during a delicious three course meal.

The theme is ‘music through the ages’, so delegates are encouraged to dress up!

We will open with an address by Dr Nicole Higgins, President RACGP, followed by a presentation by Dr Jason Lam, otherwise known as The Dance Doctor, entitled Pigeon Without a Hole : A Nonsensical Mishmash of Mixed Metaphors on Finding Your Place in Medicine.

Great Debate

8:30pm – 9:00pm

Is general practice the most interesting, creative and flexible choice of medical specialisation?


  • Dr Dan Wilson, Specialist General Practitioner & Rural Generalist, Non-Executive Director of RDAV, Deputy Co-Chair of AMACDT
  • Allen Xiao, President AMSA
  • Dr Bruce Willett, Owner and Principal Victoria Point Surgery, immediate past Chair RACGP Queensland


  • Dr Sue Velovski, Specialist General Surgeon
  • Rob Grenfell, Chief Strategy and Regions Officer Grampians Health
  • Dr Jason Lam, The Dance Doctor

Moderated by Tom Cashman.

Saturday 15 JUNE

Why GPs Work Best When They’re In A Social Network

8:40am – 9:00am

With Adjunct Professor Karen Price.

One Integrated Health System, One Funder

9:00am – 9:30am

Can we redesign the health system as one system within the confines of our federated political system, and if so, where would general practice sit in such a design?


  • Dr Michael Wright, CMO Avant
  • Simon Cotterell, Strategic Advisor; former First Assistant Secretary, Primary Care Division, DOHAC
  • Dr Rob Grenfell, Chief Strategy and Regions Officer Grampians Health
  • Bettina McMahon, CEO Healthdirect
  • Simon Cleverley, Assistant Secretary at Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Moderated by Jay Rebbeck, Rebbeck Consulting.

How do we better connect general practice to hospitals?

9:30am – 10:10am


  • Associate Professor Alam Yoosuff, Vice President RDA NSW
  • Dr Edwin Kruys, Co-chair Queensland General Practice Liaison Network
  • Bettina McMahon, CEO Healthdirect
  • Dr Srishti Dutta, Chair, GPSA and GP Liaison officer North Brisbane

Moderated by Tim Blake, MD at Semantic Consulting

Evrima: Case Study TEDx Talk 5

With Charlotte Bradshaw, Founder and CEO of Evrima

10:10am – 10:20am

Part Time (Creative) Lovers

10:20am – 10:55am

Creative careers for GPs: doing your own thing a lot more:

  • GP working flexibility
  • Working two streams of career
  • Working for a platform, government, academia, private health, in the rural hospital system, private health insurance, for a start up
  • Entrepreneurial GP stories

Panel discussion with Jeremy Knibbs and:

  • Dr Aaron Wong, GP, Clinical Consultant at HealthShare, Principal Investigator for clinical trials at KeyHealth
  • Dr Darran Foo, GP, Medical Director at Healthdirect Australia, Medical Advisor at VentureBlick, PhD Candidate in Health Innovation at Macquarie University
  • Dr Ati Jhajj, GP and Clinical Advisor, Amelio Health
  • Dr Roy Mariathas, Founder Reggie Health, Family Physician, RACGP Tech Committee 
  • Dr Matt Vickers, Clinical Director at Eucalyptus

Morning Tea

10:55am – 11:25am

5 Technology Trends Likely To Help Transform General Practice

11:25pm – 12:00pm

  • Sharing by default in general practice  
  • What does web sharing look for our PMS systems evolution 
  • Will GPs really be connected with hospitals, allied health and aged care seamlessly at some point and if so what does that mean 
  • How do GPs fit into the virtual care space – the march of virtual care enabling PMS systems 
  • The evolution of finance management apps that attempt to address key issues of tax and payment flows 
  • The future of GP marketing and bookings systems 
  • The future of GP data; Who owns it, Who manages it, What is it for 


  • Marcus Wilson, Founder and CEO Surgical Partners
  • Dr Chris Irwin, Co-Founder of Consultnote.AI
  • Charlotte Bradshaw, Founder and CEO Evrima Technologies
  • Jayne Thompson, Head of Product MediRecords
  • Jessica White, Head of Commercial & Government at Best Practice Software

Moderated by Jeremy Knibbs.

Strategies To Deliver Agency And Control Back To The GP In Building A Future For General Practice

12:00pm – 12:40pm


  • Dr Michael Wright, CMO Avant
  • Associate Professor Louise Stone, ANU
  • Dr Nicole Higgins, President RACGP
  • Dr Rob Grenfell, Chief Strategy and Regions Officer Grampians Health
  • Jay Rebbeck, Rebbeck Consulting

Conference Wrap

12:40pm – 1:00pm

Dr Bruce Willett

Dr Bruce Willett

Owner and Principal Victoria Point Surgery, former Chair RACGP Queensland

Allen Xiao

Allen Xiao

President AMSA

Charlotte Bradshaw

Charlotte Bradshaw

Founder and CEO Evrima Technologies

Dr Srishti Dutta

Dr Srishti Dutta

Director GPSA

Lukasz Wyszynski

Lukasz Wyszynski

Principal Solicitor at Hamilton Bailey Lawyers

Dr Matt Vickers

Dr Matt Vickers

Clinical Director at Eucalyptus

Associate Professor Alam Yoosuff

Associate Professor Alam Yoosuff

Vice President, RDA NSW

Dr Ati Jhajj

Dr Ati Jhajj

GP, Clinical Lead at Next Practice, Clinical Advisor at Amelio Health

Dr Jason Lam

Dr Jason Lam

The Dance Doctor

Dr Karyn Matterson

Dr Karyn Matterson

President GPRA

Dr Edwin Kruys

Dr Edwin Kruys

Co-chair Queensland General Practice Liaison Network

Simon Cleverley

Simon Cleverley

Assistant Secretary of the Digital Health Branch at DoHAC

Monika Wheeler

Monika Wheeler

Chief Executive at Healthy North Coast PHN

Jessica White

Jessica White

Group Manager of Partnerships at BP Software

Jayne Thompson

Jayne Thompson

Head of Product at MediRecords

Marcus Wilson

Marcus Wilson

CEO and Founder of Surgical Partners

Tom Cashman

Tom Cashman

Comedian, MC for Burning GP

Simon Cotterell

Simon Cotterell

Strategic Advisor, former First Assistant Secretary, Primary Care Division, DOHAC

Dr Janice Tan

Dr Janice Tan

Clinical Director, PACC & Ecosystem, Telstra Health

Dr Darran Foo

Dr Darran Foo

Medical Director at Healthdirect Australia, Medical Advisor at VentureBlick, PhD Candidate in Health Innovation at Macquarie University

Jasmine Davis

Jasmine Davis

Rural Health Advocate, Past President of Australian Medical Students' Association

Dr Roy Mariathas

Dr Roy Mariathas

Founder Reggie Health, Family Physician, RACGP Tech Committee

Dr Aaron Wong

Dr Aaron Wong

GP, Clinical Consultant at HealthShare, Principal Investigator for clinical trials at KeyHealth

Dr Dan Wilson

Dr Dan Wilson

President of the Rural Doctors Association Victoria, and Director of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and Sexual Health Victoria

Dr Sue Velovski

Dr Sue Velovski

Specialist General Surgeon

Associate Professor Louise Stone

Associate Professor Louise Stone

Australian National University

Dr Max Mollenkopf

Dr Max Mollenkopf

GP and owner at Whitebridge Medical Centre

Andrew Cohen

Andrew Cohen

CEO, ForHealth

Peta Rutherford

Peta Rutherford


Tim Blake

Tim Blake

Managing Director, Semantic Consulting

Harry Iles-Mann

Harry Iles-Mann

Health Consumer Advocate

Daniel McCabe

Daniel McCabe

First Assistant Secretary - Medicare Benefits and Digital Health, Department of Health and Aged Care

Bettina McMahon

Bettina McMahon

CEO, Healthdirect Australia

Jay Rebbeck

Jay Rebbeck

CEO, Rebbeck

Karen Booth

Karen Booth

President, Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association

David Dahm

David Dahm

CEO & Founder, Health & Life

Dr Rob Grenfell

Dr Rob Grenfell

Chief Strategy and Regions Officer, Grampians Health

Dr Nicole Higgins

Dr Nicole Higgins

President, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Dr Danielle McMullen

Dr Danielle McMullen

Vice President of Australian Medical Association

Dr Hamish Meldrum

Dr Hamish Meldrum

Owner & Director, Ochre Health Group

Dr Chris Irwin

Dr Chris Irwin

Co-Founder ConsultNote.ai

Adjunct Professor Karen Price

Adjunct Professor Karen Price

Immediate Past President RACGP

Program, Content and Panelist Enquiries
Talia Meyerowitz-Katz: talia@medicalrepublic.com.au
Wendy John: wendy@healthservicesdaily.com.au


Mantra on Salt Beach, Kingscliff, NSW

Kingscliff, NSW


Gunnamatta Ave, Kingscliff NSW 2487

Getting Here

Overnight Stay Booking Information

Overnight Stay Booking Information
Delegates are offered a special 10% discount off best available rates at time of booking. Rooms are not being held for delegates so are subject to availability.

To book, please fill out the below form and email it to onsaltbeach.groups@mantra.com.au. Please note that the form asks for credit card details on page 2 as security at the time of booking and payment will be processed on arrival. Guests security is of upmost importance therefore you will see that the Credit Card Authorisation Form requests the last 4 digits and expiry date of the credit card, and Mantra will make contact with guests via phone for the full card details.

Please be aware that the received booking forms are a request only until confirmed. The form can be found here or downloaded below.

You can check availability on the website: https://www.mantrahotels.com/mantra-on-salt-beach/#book


Registration Enquiries

Program, Content and Panelist Enquiries
Talia Meyerowitz-Katz: talia@medicalrepublic.com.au
Wendy John: wendy@healthservicesdaily.com.au

Partnership Opportunity Enquiries
Michelle O’Brien: michelle@wildhealth.net.au